3. Provide Liquidity
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Pools on Famcentral Finance allow you to provide liquidity by staking your tokens into liquidity pools (LPs).
For those who do not understand what staking is, staking is the act of holding a certain amount of coins in the wallet of a Blockchain project for a period of time to receive rewards.
When you add the token pool (LP), you will receive FLIP tokens (the token that represents the liquidity provision of PancakeSwap). For example, if you deposit $FAM and $BNB into a liquidity pool, you will receive FAM tokens - BNB FLIP.
The number of FLIP tokens you receive represents your share of the FAM - BNB liquidity pool. You can also get your money back at any time by canceling the liquidity you provided.
Bạn thực hiện các bước sau đây để cung cấp thanh khoản trên Famcentral Finance:
Please go through the following steps to provide liquidity on Famcentral Finance:
1. Visit the Liquidity page on Famcentral Finance here
2. Select Add liquidity.
3. Choose coin/token to stake into the pool, here we choose to stake coin BNB and FAM. Then select Supply.
Note: You must provide tokens with equal total USD value. For example, when you stake 10$ BNB, the system will automatically calculate the amount of FAM based on the usd value of 2 tokens.
4. Check carefully the information and select Confirm Supply.
5. Click Confirm to confirm stake coin.
6. You have now completed staking coins on Famcentral Finance and have FAM/BNB FLIP liquidity tokens.